(Un)Welcome to Mauritius

(Un)Welcome to Mauritius

As I am reading the sixth National Assembly Parliamentary debate, I came across the very first intervention from the Deputy Prime Minister talking about the huge gâchis that was happening in the Tertiary Education sector is now sorted out : “we have to go for quality,...
Quelle place pour les enfants dans le programme gouvernemental

Quelle place pour les enfants dans le programme gouvernemental

Alors que le Budget 2015 sera présenté dans quelque temps, le Kolektif Drwa Zanfan Morisien (KDZM) revient sur le discours-programme du gouvernement, présenté le 27 janvier. Les ONG et membres de la société civile regroupés au sein de KDZM reviennent sur les...
(Un)Welcome to Mauritius

What is the fight against HIV all about?

HIV has done one interesting thing to Mauritius: it has mobilised diverse groups to discuss the issue. But what is the fight against HIV really about? We live in a welfare state, where our government is responsible for our social and economic welfare. HIV tests and...