En pleine crise Covid-19, les gens ne devraient pas avoir à choisir entre «mourir de la contamination ou de faim». Pour Arvin Boolell, Pravind Jugnauth devrait revenir sur sa décision d’instaurer un couvre-feu total, en vigueur depuis son annonce hier soir. «Aucune nation ne peut vivre le ventre vide»,  écrit le leader de l’opposition sur sa page Facebook dans la matinée d’aujourd’hui, 25 mars.

Boulangeries, supermarchés et autres commerces restent fermés jusqu’au mardi 31 mars.

Le leader de l’opposition, sur Facebook hier, se disait pourtant «solidaire» de la décision du Premier ministre. Tout en insistant sur la nécessité de «briser la chaîne de transmission du Covid-19 mais pas la chaîne» de distribution de vivres.

«Tout choix difficile doit être accompagné d’un plan de secours. Il doit être clairement expliqué à la population», a fait ressortir le chef de file du Parti travailliste sur sa page Facebook, dans la matinée de ce mercredi 25 mars. Tout en citant les exemples du Singapour et des Pays-Bas.

Boolell exhorte le Premier ministre à «revenir aux procédures instaurées initialement mais en assurant leur application stricte». Il encourage ainsi à sévir contre les commerçants qui ont augmenté leurs prix en cette période de confinement général.

Maurice en est à son 6jour de confinement national.

Ci-dessous, le post d’Arvin Boolell dans son intégralité


As the President of SA has said and which I highlighted in my PNQs money should flow to the workers and households. I am the first to acknowledge bold , historic and necessary measures have been taken and should be taken by World leaders to contain and mitigate the outbreak.


However the choice has to be made between the suppression of the transmission of Coronavirus – Covid 19 and the food supply chain. There is no balance of probabilities but we have to strike the right balance. Many countries which have opted for total lockdown or confinement keep essential services going albeit to a limited and defined period.
Everything should be done to prevent the collapse of Health care sector and as Citizens we have to act responsibly and follow life saving advice to its core.
The law should also deal with those who have hiked prices . Profiteering and Corruption should be dealt with seriously. As a Nation we have to comply but the State has obligations to honor the basic rights of its Citizens. The law enforcement agencies have to be firm but should not violate the rights of people . There are those who are loitering because they have no where to go , street children should be domiciled.


Nothing is easy but we all have to do our fair share.
I have said that all hard choices have to be accompanied by a contingency plan. It has to be clearly spelt out to the population. We must not PM narrow any decision to an agonizing question more emotional than rational that the choice is dying from the contagion or food hunger.
I cite the case of Singapore and Netherlands which have opted for suppression and mitigation. The outcome is visible.


On pay day expectations are high . The mind is geared to buy basic commodities and hopefully not to stockpile . I am all for drastic measures but notwithstanding an accompanying measure the psyche will be one of turbulence. No nation can live on an empty stomach . We don’t need a full stomach but no one can stomach an empty stomach for long.


PM go back to the initial procedures which were established but with strict enforcement. Social distancing is paramount. Great leaders never look back in anger or regrets but lessons are learnt from a bold, necessary and unfortunately untimely and impractical decision. It may be inevitable later on . A contingency plan should accompany hard choices. God bless our great little Country.

Arvin Boolell

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