Après sa victoire aux législatives, la légitimité du Premier ministre est bâtie «sur sa propre force et son mérite». C’est ce que constate le Conseil des religions dans un communiqué émis ce 11 novembre.

Fort d’un mandat clair, le Conseil estime que Pravind Jugnauth peut, durant les cinq ans à venir, diriger le pays avec détermination en privilégiant l’intégrité, l’honnêteté et une vision claire. Au chef du gouvernement, le conseil des sages demande donc d’agir pour le bien commun afin d’aider au progrès de la nation dans les domaines de l’éducation, de l’économie, de l’emploi, la pauvreté, le changement climatique ou encore l’ordre et la paix.

Le Conseil des Religions demande, dans la foulée, à chaque élu de promouvoir la paix et l’harmonie au sein de la société et facilité la réconciliation de toutes les composantes de la nation. Tout en veillant à s’associer avec des personnes ayant à cœur les mêmes valeurs.

Au Premier ministre, le Conseil demande d’exercer un jugement approprié en procédant aux nominations à la tête des différentes institutions. Afin, notamment de ne pas y installer des «valets» voulant faire avancer leurs agendas personnels en flattant le Premier ministre.


For the progress of our Republic


On behalf of our precious Mauritian democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, we shall all, as fellow citizens of our beloved Republic, acknowledge the results of the National Assembly elections dated 7 November 2019, with Right Honorable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth called to be Prime Minister with legitimacy and on his own strength and merit. With his majority seats in the Assembly, he has a mandate and an authority to lead our country with integrity and honesty, clear vision and strong determination for the next five years.


As Council of Religions, we humbly call his Government to focus on the top priorities for the country and assure a better quality of life for each and for the whole community by making a difference on issues that matter most to people’s daily lives, namely the welfare of the citizens, education, training, economy, unemployment, poverty, climate change, and law and order, socio-economic progress and infrastructural development of the country for a modern Mauritius.


In the interest of all citizens of our Republic, the Council of Religions feels concern that each Member of Parliament, headed by Government, bears the utmost duty to promote and protect peace and harmony within society, especially reconciling all the people and the whole nation, then  objectively weighing the pros and cons in all circumstances, ensuring that all close collaborators and partners called to cooperate within the public spectrum, from the PMO to all local authorities and parastatal bodies, give the right advice and information that serves as a light to enlighten  in any decision-making. This bears a special mention at a time when, immediately following General Elections, the Prime Minister will be called to make appropriate nominations at the head of our institutions, against and beyond some who might be tempted to act as pure valets and to lock him in the dark by low flatteries, improper considerations or personal agendas. In all cases, the Common Good in favour of the superior interest of the country shall prevail and, on this behalf, we can only pray, hope and wish the Prime Minister-elect, future Government, and National Assembly as a whole, ‘Best of Luck.’


Long live Mauritius.



Council of Religions

11 November 2019

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